Building, Serving, and Connecting: Highlights from God’s Work, Our Hands Weekend

Bob Wills was so inspired by the impact of the God’s Work, Our Hands team at YELLS, of which he was a major part, that he went to the Wednesday Morning Men’s Group and suggested that they sponsor additional updates to the YELLS facility. This was quickly agreed. So, just a couple of weeks after the initial effort on September 7, Bob led a team to replace 12 light fixtures in addition to the original 6 done on God’s Work, Our Hands weekend. Thanks to Bob, Kirk Gadebush, Ron Kostamo, and Don Auenson for installing the additional light fixtures and the entire Wednesday Men’s Group for funding the purchase.

We want to thank all of the congregation for supporting this year’s God’s Work, Our Hands activities. We had 37 people give their time and talent on Saturday morning at YELLS, MUST, and the Promise Garden. At YELLS they installed new lighting and chair rails, repaired drywall, painted walls, and organized supplies. At MUST they put together nearly 200 food packages and in the Promise Garden they built two large raised beds, erected deer protection posts/line/scare tape & pinwheels, and spread mulch. There was also work assembling and planting a vertical herb garden and blueberry bushes that continued into Sunday.

On Sunday morning between services, we had many dozens more of the congregation in the Gathering Room. They visited six ministry tables representing LCR Blanketeers, Special Needs Cobb, Guatemala, Shepherd Staff, MUST Ministries and Knitters for Peace and joined in the work of these ministries. Comforting blankets were prepared, ornaments were made, prayers, bible verses and messages of comfort were written, hygiene kits for the homeless were assembled, information was shared and new volunteers recruited. In addition, two staff tables provided general information and crafts for children. 

Special thanks to the Fellowship Team for providing refreshments to the work crews on Saturday and a special breakfast for all on Sunday.

Everyone had a great, productive and rewarding weekend celebrating the work done by these and the other LCR ministries throughout the year.

We surely felt God’s work being done by our hands.


Compassionate Community Response: A Fundraiser for Hurricane Relief

Stitching Hope & Comfort

Creating handmade items to bring warmth, support, and care to those in need, both locally and beyond.

Knitting is an ancient craft dating back to Biblical times. Proverbs 31:19 explains the spinning staff and spindle were used to make thread that was twisted into yarn.

Knitters for Peace originated in January, 2000. Over the years, the group has made various knitted and crocheted items for a variety of organizations. Our current outreach focuses are hats and scarves for MUST; baby hats and blankets for Northside Hospital’s NICU; baby hats and octopi for Kennestone Hospital’s NICU; as well as potholders, dish cloths and scrubbies for Special Needs Cobb homes and octopi for the residents of those homes.

The Prayer Shawl ministry also started in 2000 for our congregational family who are hospitalized, homebound with an illness, or other situations and need some comfort. In the summer of 2019, Pocket Prayer Crosses, a mini version of a prayer shawl, started to have a portable source of comfort someone could keep in their pocket. These have been added to Blessing Bags for MUST, sent to Guatamala for our ministry there, as well as given out by Shepherd’s Staff when they make visits. We often have people ask for one to give or send to a family member or friend in need.

The Knitters for Peace ministry group meets twice a month in the evening (1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm in the LCR library). All knitters and crocheters are welcome. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we can help you learn.

We are a casual small group where we come together to enjoy fellowship and crafting. If you are not able to make the meetings but want to knit or crochet at home, no problem. We can provide you yarn and instructions.

For more information or to get involved contact:

Lyn Ruswinkle at or Sandy O’Donnell at


Hurricane Helene Relief

UPDATE: Learn more about LCR’s hurricane relief fundraiser: “Compassionate Community Response: A Fundraiser to Support Those Affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton”


As pictures and videos of the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene continue to pour in from Florida, through Georgia, and into the Carolinas and Tennessee, we want you to be aware of a few ways you can help right now from our synod disaster coordinator, Pr. Morgan Gordy:

Pray –

Pray for the safety of those awaiting rescue, for those injured by the storm, for those who grieve, for those who anxiously wait for loved ones unaccounted for, for those who come to help – first responders and firefighters, law enforcement, utility workers and chain saw and heavy equipment crews who put their lives in danger to save others.  Pray for this response that hearts will open and volunteers will come and help the survivors restore their communities and homes. Pray for the safety of all that come to help. Pray.


Give –

Donations are specific to each area impacted as needs for resources change after a disaster. The best way to help at this time is to provide funds for items that are needed that then can be purchased and sent directly to the sites as their needs are identified.  Please give generously.


Volunteer –

  • Crisis Clean up Call Line – This is an important volunteer task!  By helping with the Crisis Clean Up Call Line you talk directly with survivors and help them get their information on the board to be picked up by groups that can help with their need. You can do this from your home with a computer and a phone. Contact Beth Smith to volunteer and get more information:
  • Inspiritus has some volunteer opportunities if you want to give in that way. Learn more.
  • Join the Synod Disaster Emotional and Spiritual Care team to provide support in the affected areas. Contact Pastor Morgan at


Stay informed –

On Disaster Recovery efforts of the Southeastern Synod (our regional church organization) and other organizations by visiting this website.


We are thankful for the incredible work of these partners and pray for their work and all who have been affected by this storm.

Our Walk with ILAG – Iglesia Luterana Augustina de Guatemala

By: Suzanne Demosthenes

To understand our partnership in this ministry one needs to come to know our partners. ILAG’s focus has always been to minister to those on the fringe of society, the forgotten, the discounted. At the end of the 16 year civil war in Guatemala those who had fled largely to Mexico but also beyond returned to their homeland. However these refugees were not allowed to reclaim their homes, but rather were deposited in rural regions that were unfamiliar and undeveloped with no infrastructure or resources. Essentially they were left to make their own existence. These were the individuals that ILAG chose to minister to and this was the nidus of the rural communities that now comprise the eighteen congregations of ILAG. They span the various regions of Guatemala. From the outset ILAG recognized that to teach and embody the love of Christ and the saving grace of the Gospel encompassed addressing the quality of the people’s daily lives: their health, education, nutrition, and livelihood and so the ministry of this church has struggled to do.

In 2012 LCR began its walk alongside ILAG. Pastor Bob Bear was among the first…“I have always been amazed as to the effect global missions have, not only on those we serve and visit, but also on the lives of those who participate. Because of the personal relationships shaped over many years in our partnership with ILAG, our ministry in Guatemala has been especially meaningful and will always remain so to me, locked in my heart.”

And the memories impact us still:

Mike Mynhier: “On one of our trips to the village of La Israel we helped families install efficient and vented wood cooking stoves in their homes to replace the open fire cooking rings they were using. These new stoves used less wood, eliminated burn hazards to the young children, and reduced health issues of smoke inhalation to the women. For a couple of nights I was a guest of one of the families who had just received a new stove. The last night, before going to bed I went outside to wash in the rain barrel at the back of their house. I will never forget seeing the young mother of the house, alone in the cooking area, lightly patting her new stove with one hand as she slowly walked all the way around it with a contented smile on her face. Yes, what we do for Guatemala has a great impact and is worth it!”

Jill Gadebusch: “We traveled with 8 members of LCR to ILAG in February 2012. (Pr. Bob Bear, Mike Mynhier, Betty Didicher, John Didicher, Karl Sidor, Kirk Gadebusch, Jill Gadebusch and Adele Dengel (Jill’s mother). The theme of the mission trip was Puedo Ayudarles? (May I help you). During our time at ILAG Betty, John, Bob and Mike prepared meals for the leader’s conference, while the rest of the group painted, reinstalled a tile floor and repaired the water system. A satisfying part of serving was watching the participants in their studies intently learning more about Christ and the church. The participants were warm, compassionate and very dedicated to the ministry God had given them. They were clearly appreciative of what little we were able to do for them.”

Betsy Olson: “As far as memories go nothing will replace ‘my early to bed to read’ only to be serenaded by the heavenly sounds and voices from the girls in choir practice just upstairs from our room. God was in that place and still is.”

Marge Mynhier: “When I visited one of the villages on a mission trip to Guatemala, I stayed with one of the midwives, Anna, who we brought delivery kits to for their use. She and her granddaughter Katerina shared their home with Jenn and I during our stay. To my surprise Katerina was one of the Milagro girls that we met on our next visit. It was such a joy to see that she was  being given a chance to escape the cycle of early marriage and motherhood that is so common in the villages.”

John Mellott has been instrumental in advising Pastor Karen of ILAG over the past decade:
“I remember sitting with Pastora Karen, with tears in her eyes, listening to her describe the lives of young women in rural Guatemala. I remember her saying how we needed to find a way to help them…..  If you have doubts that God remains active in our world – you need only visit Milagro.”

Karen Bear: “Hearing the Milagro’s girls sing hymns enthusiastically and beautifully, is music that transcends all language, and fills my heart with joy.”

Suzy Mellott: “When Milagro first started, Bob Bear asked me to paint quick watercolor portraits of each participant and their teacher. These were made into notecards and each student wrote her story for the backs of the cards. As I painted each participant and read her story, I could feel her joy and gratitude for the Milagro program.”

Suzanne Demosthenes: “I recall on one visit to Milagro hearing the girls each speak of  their dreams …mirroring those stories Suzy spoke of. They spoke confidently and eagerly…

Sonia: “I see myself as a teacher in a school but also a teacher for my village, giving new skills to my people and making a better living.”

Karen: “My dream is to finish high school, to help my family develop all together, to be a leader in my church. I want to create a new environment to live peacefully and equally regardless of gender.”

Paulina: “I want to be a lawyer, a leader, a helper in my church, and with a good job to help my family. I’m going to be able to change my future and also the future of my church and family.”

Violeta: “In my future I see myself getting a lot of experience and becoming a leader in my community, an agent of change. My dream is to become a nurse, to give that benefit to my village, and to create my own clinic to help people who are sick or hurt.”

Brenda: “I am in the Milagro house because I want to learn new things, be a brave woman, and good leader. My dream is to start my own business, to become a chef.”

Johana: “My dream is to share my new skills with the girls and boys in my community, to reproduce that knowledge. I have a new vision.”

And we have seen many of these young women realize their dreams, becoming teachers, lawyers, nurses, bakers, accountants. And they are each very brave women and good leaders. We thank you Pastora Karen and the staff of ILAG for your vision and perseverance that shaped this ministry that you so willingly shared with us at LCR.”

We invite you to join us in this ministry, expect to see this miracle for yourself.

Take a moment to listen to these young women as they tell their stories on video.

Gala Gathering
Carpool with us Saturday evening September 14th to the gala gathering at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Suwannee.
Visit our online calendar for the link to carpool.

Hear Pastor Karen preach
Sunday morning September 15th at LCR



Get Involved: Exciting Events to Support Our Outreach Partners

It doesn’t take much time to notice that Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is incredibly engaged in our community through a number of amazing outreach partners! If you’ve been trying to find a way to get more involved with one of those organizations but don’t have the time to volunteer regularly or can’t do some of the manual work involved…don’t worry! We have three opportunities coming up to enjoy good food, drinks, and entertainment all in support of great causes!

Guatemala Gathering
Support the work of the Lutheran Church in Guatemala and the MILAGRO women’s empowerment center.
September 14 at 5 pm, Epiphany Lutheran, Suwannee

Taste of Habitat 
Join us on September 13th for the 20th Annual “Taste of Habitat” to enjoy great food and auctions while supporting affordable housing in metro-Atlanta.
September 13 at 7 pm, Phase Family Center, Alpharetta

Community Assistance Center Fall Gala
 Enjoy a night of food, fun, and philanthropy as you spend a night Under the Big Top for the annual gala of our mission partner, Community Assistance Center (CAC)!
October 26 at 6-10 pm, Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center

Miracle of Milagro

by Suzanne Demosthenes

Most of us I dare say have not experienced a miracle within our lifetime, nor probably have we entertained any expectation that we will. Yet when Pastor Karen Castillo envisioned a school for the girls of rural Guatemala, “Milagro”( miracle) was its given name. Girls in Guatemala have at most, access to a 6th grade education at the neighboring school. The expectation for their day is to help in the kitchen, assist in caring for younger siblings and their father, or assume the role of a wife. They are largely forgotten and are told “they can’t.” Their voices carry no authority, they have no rights, and they have no other options. Milagro was begun in 2018 with 3 young girls from the rural congregations that are members of ILAG ( Iglesia Luterana Agustina De Guatemala) our partners in ministry. We at LCR walked alongside as Milagro was conceived, the foundation laid, the beds built. As you pass the peace on Sundays at least one person you greet has probably participated in this ministry. The sweet songs of the student’s Friday evening practice voice their growing self worth and linger in our memories long after we have returned home.

“Blessed are those who love God.
God dwells in their heart night and day.
They serve the Lord with love,
like a tree along the edge of a river, which bears much fruit and never dries up.”

We have witnessed the school flourish from 3 to 15 young women, their initial downcast eyes now rise to meet your gaze as they confidently speak their dreams. We see the hope of spiritual leaders that will return to their communities to teach, exemplify, and inspire others. Is that not akin to Christ’s intent for His miracles, to strive to be our best person, Spirit led, impacting others to know their worth as God’s children?

Your Generosity is Changing Lives!

We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with some amazing organizations in making a difference in our community and beyond. This is only possible because of the extraordinary generosity you share through your time and financial resources. In addition to special offerings and fundraising appeals throughout the year, a portion of your offering dollars go toward supporting outreach efforts in East Cobb and around the world.

In addition to the countless volunteer hours our church community dedicates to various organizations, in the past 12 months we have provided donations to the following organizations:

YELLS $5,000

Lutheran Coalition for Habitat $1,000

Inspiritus $1,000

The Lutheran Church in Guatemala and the Milagro Women’s Education Center $8,000 (includes 15 laptops that were donated)

Grace House Campus Ministry $3,000

Our Hands Community Outreach $1,714

MUST Summer Lunches $4,612

Hunger Walk $11,000

Your generosity is changing lives. Praise God!