Christians are called to work together and support one another. There are many opportunities to serve Christ and one another through the ministries of our church that provide inspiring worship, spiritual growth, fellowship, and member care. To volunteer to serve, contact the staff person listed for each ministry.

Adult Faith Formation
– LeAnn Haack

  • Lead adult Sunday School or small group
  • Help organize retreats/events for adults

Children – Sharon Leon

  • Sunday School Teachers: Work in teams of two to teach Sunday mornings September through May. Training and curriculum provided.
  • Children Programs: help with Vacation Bible School and/or the Christmas Pageant

Youth – LeAnn Haack

  • Youth Leaders: Adult volunteers dedicate a few hours each month to build relationships with our middle and high school youth.
  • Youth Programs: help with youth events & activities

CommunicationsSigrid Thies-Smith

  • Story Corp Team: write stories and capture photos of LCR news and activities
  • Social Media Community Moderators: help guide the conversation and answer questions on the LCR Member News Facebook Group

FellowshipCristi Minard

  • Plan and support special church events as needed, including set-up and clean up

Member CarePastor Rich

  • Shepherd’s Staff: Visit homebound people, deliver new baby baskets, deliver meals to those in need, etc.
  • Prayer Chain: Lift in prayer those in need.

AdministrationSigrid Thies-Smith

  • Office Volunteers: Assist the office staff with special projects, such as preparing mailings and worship materials, covering the phones, and greeting visitors.
  • Library: Help organize and shelf books in our library.
  • Provide computer support/maintenance.

Property and Facilities Charles Demosthenes

  • Provide handyman skills or knowledge to support the general repair and upkeep of the buildings and grounds.

Worship and MusicJulian Calvin

  • Altar Guild: Prepare the worship area prior to each service.
  • Sunday Servants: Serve as worship assistants, prayer leaders, and readers for worship.
  • Production: Run the audio/visual systems and/or video tape the sermon.
  • Gospel Storytelling: Present a memorized proclamation of God’s Word.
  • Greeters: Extend a warm welcome at the door or in the parking lot, especially to guests and visitors.
  • Ushers: Warmly greet people, distribute worship materials, and help people find seats.
  • Vocal and Instrumental Opportunities: Join our Praise Team, Celebration Choir, handbells, or prepare a special musical offering to share at a worship service.
  • Offering Counter: Count and record the donations received during worship.