Where do I park?
We reserve Visitor Parking in front of the Family Life Center. Additional parking is available throughout the parking lot and behind the church.
How do I dress?
Dress comfortably. While some worshippers wear their “Sunday Best,” many wear casual and comfortable clothing on Sunday morning.
What do I bring?
An open heart and an interest in hearing God’s word proclaimed. Our service is designed to provide all the resources needed, including Bibles and hymnals, so that you may fully celebrate God’s presence.
What can I expect?
You can expect to be welcomed and embraced as one of God’s children and to fully experience the presence of the risen Jesus.
What is worship like at LCR?
Worship is centered on the word of God preached and the sacraments of baptism and communion celebrated. The music at 8:30 am worship involves an organ, choir, and traditional hymns. 11:00 am worship includes guitars and more contemporary music.
Can I take Holy Communion?
Yes. Communion is offered every Sunday at both services. All baptized Christians who believe in the presence of Jesus Christ, in, with, and through the bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Children who have not yet received First Communion instruction are encouraged to come forward for a blessing.
Are children invited to worship?
Yes. We invite people of all ages to experience the love and grace of God through worship. Should you need a private setting, a Cry Room is located right off the Narthex where the service can be viewed on a TV monitor.
Where is Sunday School?
Children’s Sunday School, for ages 2 through grade 6, is held in the lower level of the Family Life Center. Middle and High School Sunday School is located in the Pavilion. Sunday School classes for adults meet in various rooms throughout the building. Visitors are encouraged to join us in the Gathering Room for coffee, snacks, and fellowship.
Who can answer additional questions?
Please contact the Church Office at 770.953.3193.