Lutheran Church of the Resurrection seeks to deepen people’s relationship with Jesus Christ and each other especially focused on children ages 2 through 5th grade. Our hope is to build a faith-filled partnership between church and home.
LCR Children’s Ministry wants to help our children and their families to embrace four key faith practices: Daily Discipleship, Weekly Worship, Regular Groups, and Committed Serving.
Daily Discipleship
Every week as part of Sunday School we provide a SPARK Handout which includes prayers, bible stories, and ideas for reflecting on the Sunday’s scripture lesson and living the faith as a family.
Weekly Worship
We encourage children to worship with their parents before or after Sunday School every Sunday. Children are an important part of the body of Christ and need to hear the Word, sing the songs, and receive Holy Communion with the rest of the community.
We want our children to engage with worship in hands-on ways. Parents and children get to explore the Sanctuary together with a Sanctuary Scavenger Hunt twice a year. Our children help to tell the story of Jesus through the yearly Christmas Pageant. On Palm Sunday, our children make palm crosses to engage the story of Holy Week. Our children extend the joy of Jesus’ resurrection with our annual Easter Egg Hunt on the second Sunday of the season of Easter.
Every month our children celebrate Baptismal Birthdays on the First Sunday of the month both in Sunday School and in worship.
Our first graders will receive a bible in the First Grade Bible Celebration.
First Communion instruction is offered occasionally. At LCR it is up to the parent or guardian to decide when their child is ready.
Regular Groups
Sunday School classes meet in the lower level of the Family Life Center every Sunday during the School year except for the last two Sundays in December. Our classes are divided by age and/or grade. Parents may drop off their children at 9:45 am in their classrooms. Pick-up is promptly at 10:45 am in the Big Room on the lower level of the Family Life Center.
Vacation Bible School meets for a week during the summer. Our kids love the bible stories, songs, crafts, and fun they have together.
Committed Serving
Our Sunday School takes up a weekly mission offering. Pennies, dollars, and canned goods are all part of the offering we present to MUST Ministries.
Our Sunday School often coordinates with other congregation-wide donation drives to help our youngest ones to be generous with the resources God has entrusted to their care.