Traditional Service – 8:30 am
Traditional Worship is based on our Lutheran heritage and incorporates a traditional liturgy with hymns led by the organ along with the Celebration Choir. The word is proclaimed through scripture readings, a children’s message, and a sermon presented by the pastor. We welcome all people to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and mercy through the nourishment of Holy Communion. The body and blood of Christ is received through bread and wine each Sunday. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.
Contemporary Service – 11:00 am
Contemporary Worship reflects a more contemporary expression of the Lutheran liturgy, through music and message. The word is proclaimed through scripture readings, a children’s message, and a sermon presented by the pastor. Our Praise Team shares God’s word through music with vocalists accompanied by a variety of instruments. We welcome all people to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and mercy through the nourishment of Holy Communion. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.
Communion is celebrated weekly at all worship services. We welcome all people to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and mercy through the nourishment of Holy Communion. The body and blood of Christ is received through bread and wine each Sunday. Grape juice is available at each station. Gluten free wafers are available from the pastor.
Cry Room
Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship. For your convenience, a Cry Room is located right off the Narthex where the service can be viewed on a TV monitor. Please ask an usher if you need assistance.
Sunday School – 9:45 am (September – May)
We offer Sunday School Classes for all ages. Children’s Sunday School, for ages 2 through grade 5, is held in the lower level of the Family Life Center. Middle and high school Sunday School is located in the Youth Pavilion. Sunday School classes for adults meet in various rooms throughout the building. Visitors are encouraged to join us in the Gathering Room for coffee, snacks, and fellowship.
Fellowship – 9:30 to 11:00 am
Join us each Sunday for coffee, treats, and fellowship between services. Stop by before or after worship to enjoy!