Lutheran Church of the Resurrection believes our church is a place where the Kingdom of God is being built in us and through us. God has blessed all of us with many gifts. All that we have and all that we are is a result of God’s incomprehensible love for each one of us. For all that God is and all that God has done for us, God is deserving of our thanks and praise.

Our church offers a variety of ways to give to support the ministries that touch and transform the lives of God’s people. Tithes, Donations and Offerings can be made online or during weekly worship.


Come fly with us!

The ministry of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection would not happen without your faithful and generous support. Please complete your 2024 Commitment Form and Time and Talent Survey through the buttons below.


Donate once or set up recurring debits from your checking account or credit card: It’s easy, secure, and confidential. Give to the General Fund, pay for Altar Flowers, or pay for special events. Download our How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions for current and new online givers.


If you write a check, please put your giving number and any special designation on the memo line. Weekly Offering can be placed in the offering basket during service or in the deposit box outside of the church office. If you don’t have a giving number, or if you would like offering envelopes, contact the financial secretary at


Text your donation to 678.616.9474. The first time, you’ll be directed to a secure site to enter payment information. You can then send your donation amount via text for automatic payment.


There may be beneficial tax consequences for donating stock. Call the church office at 770.953.3193 for more information


For those over age 70. By donating all or part of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly from your IRA trustee to LCR, you will be able to exclude the income from taxation, whether or not you itemize your deductions! Check with your IRA trustee for details.

Charitable Trust/Donor Advised Fund Donation

Involved with a charitable trust? Include LCR in your recipient list.