New Laptops Empower Students in Guatemala

LCR was able to obtain 15 new laptops at nominal cost for donation to the Milagro school in Guatemala. It was our desire to be able to provide each girl with their own computer so they wouldn’t need to share and take turns. Additionally, we wanted them to be able to take the computer back home when they completed their studies.

The Guatemala support team approved the purchase, and Charles Demosthenes worked with Micro Center who allowed us to buy more than the 1 per customer limit. John Mellott carried them down when he made a trip there this spring, and after Pastor Karen established some rules on how and when the computers should and should not be used, they were presented to each girl. Much of their schooling is now computer based, so this has greatly increased their ability to learn.

Blessing Brumby

It was a joy to join Data Delete Recycling to present a check to Brumby Elementary for $6,211.45. These funds were raised through our February community electronics recycling event! Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event possible.

Hunger Walk 2024: 40 Years of Making A Difference

LCR had 18 people come together for lunch and a walk on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in support of eliminating hunger in Georgia. Thanks to my co-chair Stephen Goodnough, to Jennifer Haehn for providing lunch, and to Mark Moeller and his friend Chip for providing music to get us ready to walk.

LCR had set a stretch fundraising goal of $7,500. Through the generous support of many LCR Members and others, our team collected over $11,000, or almost 50% greater than our goal. I believe that is the all-time record donation from LCR. Our top fundraiser was Rachel Thornton who collected $4,550. Through this tremendous outpouring of financial support, we retained our position as the top fundraising Lutheran Church in Georgia by the day of the walk.

The donations from the walk benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank (40%), Inspiritus (36%), and LCR Food and Shelter programs (24%). Thanks again to all who helped plan and implement the walk, all who participated in the walk to physically show their support, and all who donated or sponsored others for the walk. The caring and support for this need from the LCR family is truly amazing!

Hunger Walk Coming March 10

Longtime LCR member Mike Frey describes the annual Hunger Walk like this: “You go down there, and the energy and the people of all different faiths and you walk with someone of a different faith than Lutheran. It is unique and all the faiths come together.” The shared faith and the growing need to feed the hungry keep Mike returning to a passion project he has devoted more than 30 years to serving.

It started when he and Gloria moved to Atlanta in 1989. New to the city, with a new job and a new baby, he said they “didn’t have a lot of money, but they could pay the bills.” He wanted to get involved in something that he could do with his kids, and he read about the food bank “If you don’t have food, your life becomes consumed with that next meal. Nothing else in life matters. No time for others. No time for your faith. We take basic necessities of life for granted.”

This is an organization that would like to go out of business but won’t. Last summer, the Atlanta Community Food Bank opened a new center in Cobb County, expecting to serve 700 families a week. In Georgia, 1 in 9 people are food insecure, but it hits children the hardest. 1 in 8 children go hungry. The need grows, but Mike says the commitment of those serving at the food bank is unwavering. As for the Hunger Walk, he says, “it’s a fun family outing with a purpose. You want to connect them to something bigger than them. Get your kids involved.”

“If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” (Isaiah 58:10)

Feel the faith on Sunday, March 10th in downtown Atlanta or in the parking lot at LCR for this year’s Hunger Walk.

The walk at LCR will start with a light lunch at 12:30 pm, and the walk event will start from the church parking lot at 1:00 pm. The route is about 1 mile, and people will walk it once or twice. Music, food and drinks will be available.

The walk at Mercedes Benz stadium starts at 2:00 pm. Join team LCR or donate.

Help Build a Home for a Deserving Family

On March 16, LCR volunteers will begin building another Habitat for Humanity house with the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat. The house will be built in Marietta for a deserving family that has completed an extensive qualifications process.

Workdays will be Saturdays from 7:45 am – 4:00 pm
March 16 – Exterior Walls: build and raise exterior walls
March 23 – Interior Walls: build and raise interior walls
April 6 – Siding & Insulation: install the siding and insulation
April 20 – Exterior Paint: paint the exterior walls, trim, shutters
April 27 – Interior Paint Prep: prepare the walls for paint
May 4 – Interior Paint: first coat of paint
May 11 – Interior Paint & Trim: second coat of paint
May 18- Complete the House: hardware and final touches
June 1 – Landscaping: lay sod, plant shrubs, install mailbox

Register here. (password: LUTHERAN)

Questions? Contact John Osberg (678) 687-3232

Promise Garden Receives $1500 Grant

The Promise Gardeners met last Saturday to kick off their 2024 season, planting 450 onions bulbs and celebrating a $1500 grant from the Food Well Alliance for garden improvements!

Food Well Alliance is a collaborative network of local leaders working together to build thriving community gardens and urban farms across metro Atlanta providing resources and support to local growers to connect and build healthier communities.

Anyone interested in participating in the garden, whether as a regular gardener or an occasional helper is invited to attend our meeting. If you cannot attend, but would like to get involved, please contact Margaret Perry.

The new season holds great promise!

A Growing Partnership with Brumby Elementary

by Stephen Goodnough

Some years ago, Pastor Stephen suggested we try and connect with Brumby Elementary. I had some free time and took it upon myself to do just that.

I connected with Charlene Briscoe. She was in charge of the food pantry Brumby Elementary started to help families with students at the school. LCR’s support came in the form of monetary donations that would help offset some of the items they had to purchase.

Then we got connected with Sandra Lake who had been our main contact at the school for a few years. On a couple occasions, Hattie, Charlie, and I have delivered monetary donations and other items to help them with Christmas events, Teacher appreciation week, and other things that budgets just don’t quite cover.

Last year’s Electronics Recycling event afforded us one of those occasions and we are looking forward to sharing more this year through the 2024 Electronics Recycling event happening on February 24 (share the event on Facebook).

The Brumby folks are always so appreciative of the grace LCR extends to them. Thank you for all the support. Let’s keep it going as we spread the word about the Electronics Recycling event on February 24 that will benefit Brumby.

Blessing Bags Packed

On December 23, some of LCR’s youth and their friends gathered to pack Blessing Bags to be shared with unhoused folks through MUST Ministries.

The bags included food, hygiene, and personal care items. The idea for the youth to pack these bags was born among the Goodnough kids during a sermon on the Parable of the Talents a few weeks ago.

Thanks to everyone who helped donate supplies and pack these bags!