Longtime LCR member Mike Frey describes the annual Hunger Walk like this: “You go down there, and the energy and the people of all different faiths and you walk with someone of a different faith than Lutheran. It is unique and all the faiths come together.” The shared faith and the growing need to feed the hungry keep Mike returning to a passion project he has devoted more than 30 years to serving.
It started when he and Gloria moved to Atlanta in 1989. New to the city, with a new job and a new baby, he said they “didn’t have a lot of money, but they could pay the bills.” He wanted to get involved in something that he could do with his kids, and he read about the food bank “If you don’t have food, your life becomes consumed with that next meal. Nothing else in life matters. No time for others. No time for your faith. We take basic necessities of life for granted.”
This is an organization that would like to go out of business but won’t. Last summer, the Atlanta Community Food Bank opened a new center in Cobb County, expecting to serve 700 families a week. In Georgia, 1 in 9 people are food insecure, but it hits children the hardest. 1 in 8 children go hungry. The need grows, but Mike says the commitment of those serving at the food bank is unwavering. As for the Hunger Walk, he says, “it’s a fun family outing with a purpose. You want to connect them to something bigger than them. Get your kids involved.”
“If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” (Isaiah 58:10)
Feel the faith on Sunday, March 10th in downtown Atlanta or in the parking lot at LCR for this year’s Hunger Walk.
The walk at LCR will start with a light lunch at 12:30 pm, and the walk event will start from the church parking lot at 1:00 pm. The route is about 1 mile, and people will walk it once or twice. Music, food and drinks will be available.
The walk at Mercedes Benz stadium starts at 2:00 pm. Join team LCR or donate.