All Georgia Youth Gathering

“There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28

February 21-23, 2025 | Camp Glisson, Dahlonega, GA

All youth in grades 6–12 and their adult leaders from across the Southeastern Synod are invited to the All Georgia 2025 Youth Gathering! This annual event is a time of faith formation, fellowship, and fun, where we connect with God and one another in a retreat atmosphere.

We’re excited to return to Camp Glisson in Dahlonega for the second year in a row. This year’s theme, “United in Christ,” will explore what it means to be one in Christ as we learn to love God, ourselves, and our neighbors. Special guest presenters will guide us in meaningful discussions, worship, and activities.


  • Who: Youth (6th–12th grade) and adults of the Southeastern Synod,
  • Young Adults (18–30): May attend for FREE if serving as small group leaders
  • Cost: $175 per person (youth and adults)
  • Location: Camp Glisson, Dahlonega, GA

This is a wonderful opportunity to grow in faith and community.

If you’re interested, contact LeAnn Haack for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday School Spotlight: Earth Day Celebration

Last week, the Sunday School children went out to the garden to honor Earth Day.

The children released ladybugs, sang the song, “Who made the Sky so Bright and Blue” and said a prayer to thank God for creating such an amazing earth.

A Growing Partnership with Brumby Elementary

by Stephen Goodnough

Some years ago, Pastor Stephen suggested we try and connect with Brumby Elementary. I had some free time and took it upon myself to do just that.

I connected with Charlene Briscoe. She was in charge of the food pantry Brumby Elementary started to help families with students at the school. LCR’s support came in the form of monetary donations that would help offset some of the items they had to purchase.

Then we got connected with Sandra Lake who had been our main contact at the school for a few years. On a couple occasions, Hattie, Charlie, and I have delivered monetary donations and other items to help them with Christmas events, Teacher appreciation week, and other things that budgets just don’t quite cover.

Last year’s Electronics Recycling event afforded us one of those occasions and we are looking forward to sharing more this year through the 2024 Electronics Recycling event happening on February 24 (share the event on Facebook).

The Brumby folks are always so appreciative of the grace LCR extends to them. Thank you for all the support. Let’s keep it going as we spread the word about the Electronics Recycling event on February 24 that will benefit Brumby.

Blessing Bags Packed

On December 23, some of LCR’s youth and their friends gathered to pack Blessing Bags to be shared with unhoused folks through MUST Ministries.

The bags included food, hygiene, and personal care items. The idea for the youth to pack these bags was born among the Goodnough kids during a sermon on the Parable of the Talents a few weeks ago.

Thanks to everyone who helped donate supplies and pack these bags!

Children’s Sunday School Begins By Serving Others

As we celebrated God’s Work. Our Hands. (GWOH) and Rally Day Sunday we had children & youth take part in our “Blessing Bags of Kindness”

The children and youth entered a room full of music, color and welcoming faces. They colored GWOH coloring books that they were able to take home, while listening to classic Sunday school music. Down the hall there were 17 baskets of items the children/youth collected to assemble their Blessing Bags of Kindness.

We had a good time together and looking forward to a year of fun and sharing.