Resurrection Life is a new, ongoing series by LCR members sharing stories of resurrection from around our community. New stories are invited!
It’s a Journey
Dan Gilroy
A Journey is going from one place to another, usually of some distance. When going on a journey things are taken that will be needed. On this journey we take the gifts that God has packed for us!
To be part of the LCR leadership for many years has been a true Blessing. From council, council president, Men’s group, after school programs, Sunday school leader and Must Sunday Celebrations, I have been surrounded by fellow believers in our Lord and Savior.
All journeys must start somewhere and mine was no different, or maybe it was. When middle age, I was invited to a Men’s Breakfast Bible Study. When I got there I realized that I did not have or own a Bible. That changed quickly. The 2 years spent with those men set the foundation for what was to come.
What I learned in that time was the importance of building a relationship with other people through the Bible, discussing scripture, questioning, and learning
Two scriptures that lead my journey are Luke 10:25-41 “The Good Samaritan” and ”The Home of Martha and Mary.” The first says to go and do and the second says sit and listen.
Asked when to go and do, I was apprehensive, but it soon became a Blessing that was critical in my journey. Once having realized that God was with me and leading me, the rest of His direction became easier to respond yes.
In Exodus 4:10-13 Moses even questioned doing what God told him. Once Moses got started he could not be held back.
We all have different gifts as God has given us. Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 on ”Spiritual Gifts.”
1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied Grace.”
There was a simple example I heard one time: If my parents, when I was a child, gave me a gift and I never used it, they might wonder why and possibly be disappointed.
What are the gifts of LCR? What are our gifts? What are your gifts? We all have them! Maybe write them down (don’t be modest).
It is a blessing to share part of my journey and thoughts with you. I often wonder why He sent me to a Bible study (without a Bible).
In His Name,