Christ is Risen!
A note from Pastor Rich Leseganich
Dear Partners in the Gospel,
A recent children’s sermon, in which we considered the ‘wide space’ found in the back of a truck, is a good metaphor for the church as we enter the Easter season. We celebrate the rising from the confines of a tomb into the world, bringing a message of hope and salvation, where no one is excluded.
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection must be a ‘wide space’ where everyone with whom we encounter can be met with the power of the good news of Christ. Have you noticed the recent efforts to create vast spaces so everyone has a place in our midst? Check out our website’s new pastoral care form to get everyone needing prayer or pastoral care the ministry they need. Join our new member orientation to learn about Lutheran theology and what that looks like at LCR. Please pull up a chair and meet some new friends at our Easter Breakfast. Bring your kids to experience the fun of a highly interactive children’s message on Sunday morning. Register for this summer’s Vacation Bible School. Search for some of the 1,200 eggs available in our Easter Sunday Easter Egg Hunt! Encourage visitors to sign in using the new QR code in the pews and throughout our building. We will make a financial contribution to bless others in our community and world and extend welcome to our visitors.
Read more in the Weekly! Look at the opportunities to create a vast space serving others at LCR, in our community, and worldwide. Indeed, we are on a mission to deepen people’s relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. Join us on a journey that lasts a lifetime and beyond!